Railway Freight Logistics BPO Services

NexGen Logistics is the foremost offshore service provider of railway freight logistics BPO solutions, rendered with a customer-friendly designed budget. The industry of freight railway is facing countless inconsistencies and our professionals will help in digitizing your printed railway freight documents with accuracy.

Every year, million tons of cargo are imported and exported through the means of railways in a safe and secure mode. And there are accumulated printed copies of these cargo details that needs constant digitization to survive the cut-throat global competition. Needn’t worry! We’ll help you to deal with such challenges in a cost-effective way.

Our experts will also help in rendering complete transit monitoring and other essential back-office services


When you outsource your railway freight logistics support service to us, we will ensure to divert our complete resources and time towards attending the need of your logistics support, verification, and auditing process. This will enable you to focus on the core activities of your business functioning.

Our major railway freight logistics BPO solutions include:

  • Freight audit and payment

    Processing the railway freight invoices is one of the crucial and challenging aspects of the logistics. We utilize the advanced technologies to convert the freight invoices into a well-defined digital format. We successfully offer both the pre and the post freight bill audit services.

  • Financial planning and analysis

    We will systematically analyze the financial status including the incoming and outgoing flow of cash in your railway freight logistics industry. We perform ledger accounting, ledger reconciliations, mergers and acquisitions, and much more.

  • Back office data management

    We help to strengthen the back-office administration of the railway freight industry in a rapid way. The services include data management, railway freight data entry, indexing, application processing, and much more.

Other railway freight logistics BPO services include:

  • • Complete logistics support
  • • Transit monitoring
  • • Rail condition assessment
  • • Rail terminal manning

Does our railway freight logistics BPO support solutions sound interesting? Approach us immediately at [email protected]

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